Reconciling flow and structure in your business
‘How do I reconcile structure and flow in my business?’ I get that question a lot from my clients.
To understand the creative process, it’s crucial to understand the interplay between masculine and feminine energies coursing through each one of us, irrespective of whether we’re male or female.
The masculine energy is associated with structure, logic, is very goal oriented and likes linearity and order.
If you’re very disciplined, your calendar is chock-full and you’re getting a lot done, then your masculine side is dominant.
In today’s society, this way of doing things is considered the norm.
The flip side of this is that you might be getting a lot done, sure, but you’re not massively upleveling your business. You’re stuck in the daily grind, you’re uber busy but can’t distinguish the wood from the trees. And chances are you’re also getting burnt out in the process.
If you want to create breakthroughs, progress in leaps rather than linearly, and truly be innovative in the way you and business work, you need to cultivate your feminine connexion.
The feminine energy is associated with creativity in all its forms. It’s about innovation, game changing ideas, big picture thinking, insight, renewal, wisdom.